No assessment is required by Ohio law as of October 3, 2023, but many homeschoolers will still choose to do an assessment (a standardized test or a portfolio review) periodically for their own records, and time of encouragement, and piece of mind.
Any assessment you choose to do should have the report sent ONLY to you, and not to a school superintendent. These would only be kept for your own records. Do not send them to your local district, even if your district asks or tries to persuade you that they would like to see the assessment reports.
Assessment does not promote a child to a new grade (there are no grades noted anywhere in our homeschooling laws).
The typical options are either a nationally-normed, standardized test, or a portfolio review (“narrative assessment”) with a licensed or certified teacher.
Nationally Normed Standardized Test Assessment
Under the former homeschool code, a standardized test with at least a minimum 25th percentile on the overall composite/national percentile ranking was considered "reasonable proficient". If you choose to do a standardized test, DO NOT get swayed into using your local district's "Free" testing services. See the FAQ page (question #15) for details.
Narrative (Portfolio) Review Assessment
The portfolio review sounds like an intimidating prospect, but it can be one of the most helpful and easy things about homeschooling in Ohio. A homeschooling assessor is not a judge and does not determine grade level "promotion" or hold back your child. A good assessor is a homeschooling advocate and cheerleader for you. He or she is someone who can provide feedback and suggestions, and can help remind you of the big picture when all you can see is the day to day struggle and challenges.
Recommended Homeschool Assessors
If you choose to do an assessment and would like a portfolio review, it is highly recommended that you use a HOMESCHOOL assessor, not a current classroom teacher who simply tells you they are “okay” with homeschooling, but has no personal experience in or knowledge about homeschooling or homeschool laws. Homeschooling is often a vastly different experience than in a classroom, and it’s best to have someone who understands that difference and is not looking to judge your child by that classroom model.
There is a list of Recommended Assessors available on the Member Resources page. These are all assessors who have been interviewed and vetted as homeschooling advocates, and have been homeschooling according to Ohio law at least 3 years. They are former teachers, who understand and live the homeschooling life just like you do.
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Please note, we are fellow homeschooling parents, not legal counsel. Information shared should not be taken as legal advice. We highly recommend being well-versed with the applicable administrative code and your rights to home educate. The regulation codes pertaining to Ohio homeschooling are linked on this page.